Not quite Wordsworth, but here we go...
Be A Star
I stand before the universe,
My master in the sky,
I’m humbled by the universe,
Twinkling in my eye.
It reminds me of how small I am,
A pin prick in its sky,
My grandeur feeling like a sham,
The world just passing me by.
I need to make myself a star,
Elegant and serene,
Acquaintances admiring from afar,
And friends as planets, in between.
Mountain Philosophy
The mountains stretch before you,
take anger to them,
and you'll come away with peace.
They'll respect each step you take,
absorbing your pain into their earth.
As you climb the pain will seep out into their streams,
and flow back to where you came.
Climb some mountains
and enter the peaceful valleys beyond.
End Of The Line
You know you are old
When the phone rings
You do not panic
There is nobody left to die
What's IT all about
System down
Windows crashed
Hard disk blown
Days work trashed
Backup failed
Word file lost
Technology hailed
What did this cost?
Modem broken
Emails to send
Send them spoken
Buck that trend
Printer fitting
Letters to prepare
Send them written
How very rare
Coffee spilt
Keyboard sticky
Monitor won't tilt
IT's all so tricky
Dot com mad
WEB surfing
Very sad
So slow searching
Illegal operation
Help desk called
Zero co-operation
Manuals trawled
Before IT
What did we do
We wrote it down
We did not stew
Word Play
She met a man and asked his name
Roger Swift he exclaimed!
Not just now, what's your name?
She said she wanted him to be her-man
He looked aghast
I'm no German
She looked him straight, now don't be silly
The names not important
I once saw a Willy
There was lots of laughter
And lots of love
But could she take the morning after?
The vicar asked for the chosen hymn
She looked aghast
This is him!
She bore a daughter
And named her fanny
It hurt so much she thought she ought to
Fine lines
What ends a friendship?
Moving on, a silly row, death?
Or a love affair?
What is friendship?
Love with boundaries?
Self Promotion
Those that can do
And those that can't manage
Is this fair?
Should the lowest manager get more that the best worker?
Are we missing something?
Or is it a corrupt system?
Where only management matters
And they only promote their own
Leaving 'the workers' to do what is real
Is this fair?
Or am I wrong?
Have these control freaks, oozing insecurity made the world?
Without them would the workers never have been motivated
By fear or by passion?
And only the managers nurture the talent
Nobody can ever know
But I'm sure that I'll be told.
What is love?
What is love?
Warmth of feeling
Sexual attraction
What is love?
It means nothing in tennis
A term
What is love?
To give somebody your money?
To give somebody your time?
For free?
In Britain we have a political system
Tried and tested
A government and an opposition
They are both elected
To represent
A democracy
Both parties offer candidates
not elected
At the polls
They fight it out
To 'represent' the people
Once elected the title is MP
Member of Parliament
Whether government or opposition
They are told how to vote
So our democratic system?
They are here to represent us?
Or here to manage us?
Love and Hate
Ever present
The First Day Of Winter
Today is the day
The ceremony
Of switching on
The Storage heaters
It takes awhile
To make the house
Equal to the summer
But when I get home tomorrow
I know
That with the windows closed
And the curtains drawn
That I will feel the most at home
A Very British Thing
It was a very British thing
At her Uncles wedding
Fourteen, nervous and under the spotlight
Waiting to sing
The sun spot lit her from a high window
We were all captured
By her, by her voice, by the occasion
She never faltered
When she had finished
I wanted to clap
Nobody did
Clapping in church is not a British thing
We all sat in silence
She looked awkward and walked away
Stiff upper lip
A very British thing
Happy Day
Poetry is written out of anger or sadness
Today I am happy
My pen is resting
The Chain Of Command (think for yourself)
Salute to a superior officer
Do it
Do it
Do it
I can question you
You can question I?
Do it
Do it
Do it
I salute
I have a superior officer
I do it
He tells me
I tell you
You tell me?
I tell him?
A mistake?
I was just obeying an order
I am covered
You are dead
The order was executed
Bath Time Truths
I like lying in my bath
Listening to the rain on the tiles
I like lying in my bath
Warm, protected, secure
Secure in the knowledge that the water I have taken
is being replaced
I like lying in my bath
A Japanese fourteenth century form of verse. They are designed to present an image, evoke a mood and make an observation in three lines of five, seven then five syllables.
Good night my sweet heart
It is the end of the day
I still miss you so
Driving in my car
Is what I wish I could do
Not stuck in this jam
On the Internet
Hunting for something to do
Maybe the answer
Standing in the field
Paying out of the red string
The kite way above
Stood on the river bank
Waiting for the steaming ferry
Do not hurry today
Goodbye Erickson
Did you really believe?
Hello Capello
I've Lost My Keys
I've lost my keys
I'm in despair
I'm on my knees
In their snare
I've lost my keys
I can not go
They've made me freeze
It's such a blow
I've lost my keys
I'm going to be late
They are such a tease
I'm in a state
I've lost my keys
I've an appointment to keep
Where are they please?
I want to weep
I've found my keys
I can be on time
I'm off my knees
I'm feeling fine
Sailing By
It was after the wedding
That he fell in love
He had not planned it
He had an invite, she said he could stay
They had been together
It was the early hours
Undressing downstairs
A foot on the first step
On his way to her
Sailing By came on her radio
His favourite piece of music
He was in love
The Rings Of A Tree (Live Your Life)
Will you remember me when you are old
When you are warm
When you are cold
As your rings form your story is told
One of your rings is the year of my birth
Another will be the year of my death
All that I have is the rings in between
As time goes by they will remain unseen
Your bark is smooth, rather like hide
Yet harder, masking what is inside
Will I stand alone?
Or will I confide?
And for now we only have the ring that I touch
But the rings that have gone by shape us so much
Your future is booked in the space that you'll grow
Mine too if I do not consent to let go
Will I live as I was meant to be
Or will each past year stare at me
In a repetitive shape
Like the rings of a tree
Stages (this poem was published in 'Bright Voices', United Press - ISBN 1-84436-062-8)
The day lies before us.
Yet I can only play the part of an actor,
schooled by days now past.
I've awoken from my dress rehearsal;
listen sweetly for the production lasts but one day.
Pull down the blind
Draw the curtain
For I am gone
Darken the room, my light has gone